RingZer0 Team is seeking a talented individual who possesses skills in multiple field. The RingZer0 Supporter role is to be on our contact list when we need help with some specific task. In that way, we can contact you more easily.
RingZer0 Team's online CTF offers a wide array of challenges designed to test and improve your security skills through hacking challenges. We offer challenges in 15 categories for people of all skill levels. Register and try to capture the flag for every challenge.
RingZer0 Team has grown considerably over the last couple of years, and to better support this surge of users and activity we have decided to make Ringzer0 Team an official company. When the site was smaller, our founder Mr.Un1k0d3r could manage the whole project alone, but with the site's new size it can no longer be managed single-handedly. With this new development we will be able to better manage the services and needs of our users, grow the community, add new challenges and features, and more.
Send an email at contact@ringzer0ctf.com with the following information: